About Us

Jacinta Durrand

Clinical Psychologist

B Psych (Hons), B Arts, M Psych (Clin), MAPS


Jacinta completed a Bachelor of Psychology with First Class Honours, along with a Bachelor of Arts (focusing on Creative writing and French) at Flinders University of SA and a Masters in Clinical Psychology at The University of Adelaide. She is registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and is a member of the Australian Psychological Society (MAPS).


Jacinta has extensive experience working as a Clinical Psychologist. She has been registered for nearly 20 years (since 2003) and during this time has worked with children, adolescents, young adults, university students, couples, families and adults of all ages including older persons. Jacinta has a keen interest in working with people experiencing a wide variety of issues in their personal, work or study life. Jacinta has worked in General Practice, Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Private Practice and Tertiary education.

Therapeutic style

Jacinta works with her clients in a collaborative way, implementing strategies from evidence-based psychological therapies to assist them to achieve their goals for therapy. She views every one of her clients as the expert on their life experience and works from a non-judgmental space to help them explore their current life situation, with the aim to move towards a place of improved well-being.

Supporting parents and siblings with a child with a disability or significant health issues in their family

Jacinta has personal experience parenting a child with significant intellectual disability and developmental delay (diagnosis at birth) as well as having experienced long-term hospitalisation with this child (a decade ago). This experience has led to Jacinta’s intense interest and passion in supporting parents and siblings in this area. Her focus is to support families to focus on their self-care, wellbeing and thriving as a family unit in the present and longer term.